Unsung hero
Shochu, the spirit of Japan, is wonderfully versatile, according to Elliot Faber – and it won’t be long before we all know more about it
All at sea?
Rum may enjoy a reputation as the fun-lover’s drink, but it’s at the mercy of those who are giving it a bad name. quality is now paramount, reports Holly Motion
India sets a new tone
Indian whisky has had its ups and downs over the years, but distillers’ talk of a quality revolution suggests it’s back in the ascendant. Dominic Roskrow reports
Duty paid
There is nothing duty free about being founder and president of the Tax Free World Association. Christian Davis meets Erik Juul-Mortensen
Pick of the Launches
Here is the pick of the launches from last month, as featured in Drinks International Magazine July edition.
The Millionaires' Club 2016: Slow boat to China
Holly Motion finds Pernod Ricard’s Charles-Armand de Belenet in high spirits about the long-term future for cognac in China
On the campaign trail
While Rioja continues to steal the limelight for Spanish wines, two other established regions are pushing for greater airtime, reports Charlotte Hey
Cultivating change
Chile is focusing on its image and product quality, particularly from new places and with new blends. Christian Davis reports
Walking through fire
Sambuca’s failure to premiumise with any kind of fanfare has left it losing out to tequila. holly motion looks at how the italian spirit can fan the flames of success
Kentucky Derby
Kentucky’s bourbon industry has undergone its most intensive period in decades. But, as Dominic Roskrow reports, it’s emerging from the upheaval in fine shape
Burning bright
Gautom Menon is the man behind Wild Tiger Rum. Hamish Smith finds out how he earned his stripes
Pick of the Launches
Here is the pick of the launches from last month, as featured in Drinks International Magazine June edition.
The gin guild’s director general, Nicolas Cook, examines why consumers, media and the on-trade have helped bring about the renaissance of gin
Saturation point?
Can gin survive the plethora of new brands flooding the market? Ian Buxton reports
Putting the fizz into gin
If you’re after a quality mixer with authentic ingredients, tonic’s your answer. Tracy West reports
Think gin
Hamish Smith gathers some of the trade’s thoughts on where gin is at and where it’s going
Gin & tonic!
Spain is a huge gin market but it has to be gin & tonic – even if some don’t like the taste. Christian Davis reports
Duty calls gin
After years of stagnating sales gin is flying in travel retail as brands big and small, old and new look to exploit the potential this niche retail channel offers. Joe Bates reports.
Are you equipped?
Elite bartenders are increasingly working like chefs in sourcing and handling fruit and veg for garnishes in cocktails. But do they follow good hygiene practices and are they properly equipped? Christian Davis reports
International Spirits Challenge - The awards
On March 31 and April 1 the great and the good gathered to taste this year’s International Spirits Challenge’s white spirits contenders.
Beyond Martinis
It might have gained notoriety as an ingredient in James bond’s signature drink, but Vermouth’s reach is far wider, reports Holly Motion.
Wine branches out
Younger consumers are boosting sales of fruit-flavoured wines in a fast-growing category. Holly Motion reports on the new hybrid cuvée.
Beyond juniper
Gin is thriving, but as more and more producers enter the market, there’s confusion as to what it should and can be. So where is the category heading? Dominic Roskrow reports
Big Hitter Bitters
The large-brand, big volume bitters are enjoying the fallout of the cocktail boom. Hamish Smith reports on their fortunes.
Botanical margins
Are gins set to offer the world a spirits category as diverse and exciting as single malts? It’s not beyond the realms of possibility, reports Dominic Roskrow
The dark market
Anecdotally cocktail bitters is a buoyant market, but the industry is in the dark as to its size. Hamish Smith looks to shine a light
Gin is flying. Hardly a week passes without another launch. Christian Davis reports
Vinexpo Asia excursion
The biennial Vinexpo Hong Kong this year shines the spotlight on Italy, while around 60 events are planned. Joe Bates shines a spotlight on the programme
TFWA Asia Pacific aims to navigate choppy waters
Joe Bates rounds up the news and events for the TFWA Asia Pacific exhibition in Singapore
Pick of the Launches
Here is the pick of the launches from last month, as featured in Drinks International Magazine May edition.
The Gatekeeper
Dr Nick Morgan is Diageo’s head of whisky outreach. Who is he and what does that mean? Christian Davis meets the good doctor
Speyside’s Identity Crisis?
Gavin D Smith explores the appeal and conflicts of the densely distillery-populated Scottish region.
The Rise of Single variety Vinho Verde
Jamie Goode discovers a single varietal approach is revolutionising a wine style
Rum lightens up
It’s not all dark & stormy for rum – Holly Motion finds producers are aiming to wake up the spirit’s white side.
Got Carter
Ross Carter is the man who did the equivalent of ‘Brexit’ to the London Wine Fair. He oversaw the dumping of the international element in favour of going it alone with domestic. Christian Davis meets the event director.
London Wine Fair
The London Wine Fair – now in its 36th year – will be held at London Olympia from May 3-5. Christian Davis previews the upcoming event
Vinitaly preview
How organiser Veronafiere is celebrating 50 years of Vinitaly, Italy’s leading showcase dedicated to wines and spirits, on April 10-13.
Pick of the Launches
Here is the pick of the launches from last month, as featured in Drinks International Magazine April edition.
Ready for anything
It’s not so long ago that pre-mixed cocktails were sneered at. But now it’s all about batching – and it’s all the rage. Holly Motion reports
Back up from Down Under
It may be a cliché to say that the Australian wine industry has been a victim of its own success but it does aptly sum up its situation. Christian Davis delves down under.
The New Standard
Standard spirits sales are growing but small budgets mean it’s often up to the bottle to do the talking. Hamish Smith reports.
Rising to the Challenge
Joe Bates confronts some challenges facing the Americas duty free business ahead of the annual Iaddfs show.
Pick of the Launches
Here is the pick of the launches from last month, as featured in Drinks International Magazine March edition.
Jungle Juice
The liqueurs sector is like a jungle: full of different creatures. It’s a diverse environment where the one thing they have in common is a broad category classification. Christian Davis explores
The Educator
The Wine and Spirits Education Trust’s Ian Harris is a man on a mission. Disciple Christian Davis catches up with the missionary
Lowering the bar
Lower-alcohol wines are flourishing in some markets and languishing in others. Christian Davis reports
The commercialisation of craft
Craft spirits, so-called and authentic, are now ubiquitous. Hamish Smith discusses what this means for the term – and what the term actually means
Going underground
After several years of top awards, critical acclaim and buoyant sales, Japanese whisky seems to have become a victim of its own success. Dominic Roskrow asks what’s happening next
Super Troopers
Does super-premium really earn its stripes over the spirits segments? Holly Motion investigates