Tokyo’s Virtù has been named the winner of the Michter’s Art of Hospitality Award as part of Asia’s 50 Best Bars 2024.
Singapore’s Sago House has been named the winner of the Michter’s Art of Hospitality Award as part of Asia’s 50 Best Bars 2023.
The Botanist Bar in Vancouver, Canada, has been named the winner of the Michter’s Art of Hospitality Award, part of the second annual North America’s 50 Best Bars awards 2023, sponsored by Perrier.
“This is the perfect award for Mexico”: Hanky Panky’s Walter Meyenberg on winning the 2022 Michter’s Art of Hospitality Award
Mexico City’s Hanky Panky has been named as the winner of the Michter’s Art of Hospitality Award as part of The World’s 50 Best Bars 2022.
New York City’s Overstory has been announced as the winner of the Michter’s Art of Hospitality Award ahead of the inaugural North America’s 50 Best Bars ceremony on 7 June.
BKK Social Club wins Michter’s Art of Hospitality Award
Bangkok’s BKK Social Club has been named the winner of the Michter’s Art of Hospitality Award as part of Asia’s 50 Best Bars 2022.
Salmon Guru wins 50 Best Michter’s Art of Hospitality Award
Spain’s Salmon Guru has been announced as the winner of the Michter’s Art of Hospitality Award ahead of The World’s 50 Best Bars ceremony in December.