With one episode a month, the ‘Connaught Bar Talks’ series sees the team interview regular guests and friends of the bar, sharing moments, cocktails and stories of the bar.
Perrone, director of mixology, said: “We really care about this project in that it stresses how much our guests are centrestage, a founding and still vivid value of the Connaught Bar. ‘Connaught Bar Talks’ is a lovely and creative way for us to sit down with people we consider close friends and listen to them.
“Reminiscing shared stories and moments reminds us of what makes the experience we strive to deliver every day so unique for each and every guest. This is us looking at our past in order to forge our future, always in the name of hospitality,” Perrone added.
Welcoming the guest, making drinks, recalling memories and discussing a variety of topics, the series replicates the bar service perspective while exploring what makes the guest experience personal to each person.
The video trailer anticipates the hospitality floor will be given ‘to its deserving protagonists’, with the first episode going live on the teams’ social channels today.
The series will see a different guest and episode shared on the teams’ Instagram channels every month starting from June as it follows the launch of the latest cocktail list Synergia, marking the bar’s 15th anniversary.