‘Meet the Russian Standard’ will kick-start in July and include advertising, sponsorship and sampling activities across the summer. The campaign, which will include TV, radio, press, digital and PR activity, aims to allow target consumers to discover modern Russia and ensure consumers understand the brand’s heritage.
Promotions include 90 VIP trips to Moscow as well as other prizes including iPod touch, will also be up for grabs. A new website, www.meettherussianstandard.co.uk will be the main channel to enter the competition and learn more about the brand.
Russian Standard is aiming to recruit more than 45,000 new drinkers during the campaign.
Joanne Birkitt, senior brand manager for Russian Standard said: “The heritage and 100% Russian provenance of the brand is key to the success of Russian Standard. Meet the Russian Standard is a fantastic platform for us to demonstrate to vodka drinkers what the brand is all about and its core values.
“Last year was a hugely successful year for Russian Standard and we are fully committed to further invest in the UK market again this year as we aim to build on this success.”