Compared to 2010/11 (€1,879), the company is 6% up. The strong results are said to be down to:
- Organic growth of 11%, driven by the company’s top 14 (+14%), strong dynamisn in emerging markets (+20%) and good recovery in mature markets (+5%);
- A 4% negtive foreign exchange rate, relating to the US dollar and certain emerging countries (Indian rupee, Chinese yuan);
- A minor 1% negative group structure effect.
The 14 ‘Strategic Spirits and Champagne brands’ (Top 14. 62% of group sales) recorded 6% volume growth and organic sales growth of 14%, which the company says testifies to a continued favourable price/mix effect. Against this backdrop:
· Eight brands had double-digit organic sales growth: The Glenlivet (+42%), Jameson (+29%), Royal Salute (+29%), Martell (+25%), Chivas Regal (+18%), Malibu (+17%), Perrier-Jouët (+17%) and Mumm (+12%);
· Absolut (+4%) remained stable in the US but grew 6% in volume outside the US, due to duty free, Brazil, South Korea, Russia and Germany;
· Chivas Regal (+18%) continued its 'premiumisation', with Chivas 18 Year Old (+36%) and Chivas 25 Year Old (+43%).
¨ The four ‘Priority Premium Wine brands’ (5% of group sales) grew 3% in volume and 8% in value;
¨ The 18 key local spirits brands (16% of group sales) continued to grow in value (+7%), driven by the development of Indian whiskies (+29%), offset by the decline of Wyborowa (-21%), 100 Pipers in Thailand (-32%) and Imperial in South Korea (-16%).