Belgium: AB InBev to cut jobs

08 January, 2010

AB-InBev may cut 263 jobs in Belgium.

The world’s largest beer company says the proposed cuts are in response to the decline of the Belgium beer market.

A background summary from the company said: “The Belgian beer market continues to decline. Per capita consumption declined from 99 litres in 2000 to 82 litres in 2008, or a decrease of almost 20%. In the nine first months of 2009, as well, AB InBev’s volumes in Belgium further decreased by 1.7%, which represents however a slightly better result than the market in general.”

Plans to reorganise the Belgian arm of the company include  ‘optimisation of the Belgian sales activities and processes to address declining volumes and changing consumer trends’ as well as centralising support services.

AB InBev concluded:  “We remain committed to re-investing resources in our sales, marketing and production activities and to bring a new dynamic to the beer market.  The proposed initiatives would help safeguard the long-term future of our company in our home market.”


La'Mel Clarke

Service isn’t servitude: the skill of hosting

La’Mel Clarke, front of house at London’s Seed Library, looks at the forgotten art of hosting and why it deserves the same respect as bartending.

