Anheuser-Busch drops 110 day shelf-life on niche beer

05 February, 2009
A-B InBev has dropped the 110-day shelf-life policy on its niche beer brands.

A-B InBev has dropped the 110-day shelf-life policy on its niche beer brands.

The brewer said improvements to the brewing and packaging processes mean the products maintain freshness for longer.

Peter Kraemer, vice president, supply, Anheuser-Busch, said:  “These improvements have focused on reducing the amount of oxygen in our beers through tighter process controls, new fillers on packaging lines and new bottle crowns."

A-B made the decision last summer and fall.

Kraemer added: “We extended the shelf life for many of our new and niche brands and switched to Julian Date coding on these packages. “

The company will continue to use the “Born On” date coding and a 110-day shelf life for its major brands, including Budweiser, Bud Light, Budweiser Select, Busch and Natural Light.


La'Mel Clarke

Service isn’t servitude: the skill of hosting

La’Mel Clarke, front of house at London’s Seed Library, looks at the forgotten art of hosting and why it deserves the same respect as bartending.

