No excuses in the USA

27 August, 2008
Page 5 
Pernod Ricard USA has launched an advert­ising campaign to discourage drink driving, under-age consumpt­ion and binge drinking.

The campaign draws attention to many of the excuses associated with drink-related antisocial behaviour and includes press advertising, financial backing for selected organisations involved in alcohol issues, and edu­cational tools for parents and teenagers.

A PR element of the campaign is being fronted by Dr Alfred R Mele, a professor at Florida State University and author of Self-Deception Unmasked, who has contri­buted a quiz on a new website,

Pernod Ricard USA chief executive Alain Barbet said: "Although the vast majority of adult Americans who drink do so in moderation, and the incidence of under-age drinking is declining, we have an obligation to fight against irresponsible consumption.

"Our new campaign focuses on recognising and overcoming enabling excuses ."


La'Mel Clarke

Service isn’t servitude: the skill of hosting

La’Mel Clarke, front of house at London’s Seed Library, looks at the forgotten art of hosting and why it deserves the same respect as bartending.

